Mission Statement: Muskox Ministries is a Christ-centered organization committed to solving logistical challenges and providing essential support to those serving remote peoples in the Arctic.
With our lodging and ground transportation options we alleviate logistical and financial difficulties for our partners who deliver God's Word, allowing them to focus more resources on their primary mission. We offer loaner vehicles so that missionary families traveling to Fairbanks for supplies or appointments from the villages can avoid expensive rental car fees. Our short and long-term lodging options ensure that those serving remote villages across interior and northern Alaska have a warm, safe and comfortable place to stay whether they are on their way to or from the mission field. For more information about the exciting work going on to complete construction of Mount Lulu Base Camp, click below.
Aviation is a necessary component of transportation throughout Alaska since over 85% of villages in the state cannot be reached by road. Regularly scheduled commercial or charter flights to many ministry locations can be expensive, very limited, and sometimes nonexistent. Through generous donations from people like you, and a team of highly experienced volunteer pilots, we are able to provide customizable air transportation options for our missionary partners and their varied needs across interior and northern Alaska. These flights are offered at a significantly reduced rate (typically 65-75% discount from commercial charter rates) or sometimes completely free for full-time Alaskan missionaries. For more information about our aviation operations, click below.
We're working diligently on publishing the first edition of a unique handbook designed for non-local missionaries and teams planning to travel to Alaska to serve. The handbook will feature practical lessons on Alaska Native history, local culture and religion, village protocols, travel off the road system, and other helpful topics that will better equip missionaries for their trip to "The Last Frontier" and enable them to be more effective in their work once they arrive. The handbook will be available as a stand-alone publication, or as a kit featuring a leader's guide and participant books so that teams preparing to conduct a mission to Alaska can learn as a team in a small group setting. To help us fund the publication of this exciting new resource, please click below.
Our combined efforts in training, transportation, and lodging result in less stress for pastors, missionaries, counselors, and others providing necessary support to Alaska's isolated peoples.
Jeremiah Neimuth, Fort Yukon Assembly of God
When an urgent request for supplies came in from a missionary in the remote Alaskan village of Fort Yukon, one of our pilots was able to make the flight there in just a few hours and completely free. We can do this because someone like you decided to make a difference in Alaska missions and generously gave. Your tax-deductible gift of $40/month covers one of these roundtrip flights each year to an interior Alaska village in support of a missionary living in the bush. Click below to give.